CDOT Avalanche Protection
The CDOT currently use range of avalanche control to protect the roads and road users from the build up of snow. After detailed site surveys, data collection CDOT looked to use new technology specifying the implementation of Obellx and GAZEX devices from TAS in the high frequency avalanche areas.
As part of continuing safety upgrades for the state highway the installation of 16 new remote avalanche exploder units was completed by the Geovert team.
Project Overview

As the prime contractor, Geovert installed 15 O'Bellx and one Gazex remote avalanche exploder units and constructed the foundations. This included working in remote steep mountain terrain to drill, grout and pour foundation blocks.
With no road access to the site, extensive heavy lift helicopters were used for all positioning of materials and equipment. Work was completed safety and in record time for this logistically complicated project. This project was completed at elevations of 12,000ft in extremely loose and unstable alpine terrain just as the winter snow arrived.
Project Solution